‘Positive’ exchange of views at Westminster meeting between
skippers, industry reps and MPs, Defra taken to court over legality of quota
setting, consternation in Macduff at council proposals that threaten the future
of fishing from the port, and second large fine for same SW vivier-potter.
Plus: the potential of pot lights in the cuttle fishery, Smartrawl system on
trial off Shetland, and renowned boatbuilder Bobby Cann looks back on his long
‘Positive’ exchange of views at Westminster meeting between
skippers, industry reps and MPs, Defra taken to court over legality of quota
setting, consternation in Macduff at council proposals that threaten the future
of fishing from the port, and second large fine for same SW vivier-potter.
Plus: the potential of pot lights in the cuttle fis....