bird this week is the nightjar, a beautifully patterned nightbird with a quite
extraordinary reputation in myth and folklore. Everything about this bird is
odd, down to the first captive breeding which took place in someone’s living
room! From the weird to the familiar: we also feature canary expertise on
Lizards and Yorkshires, a personal preview of the Budgerigar Society’s
centenary bash, and a stern reminder to keep our lesser apart from our mealies
(redpolls, that is.) On top of that we learn how to make the most of sales
events, pair up pigeons and plan for a smaller yet diverse Bengalese stud.
Unexpected softbill developments in Kent, too.
bird this week is the nightjar, a beautifully patterned nightbird with a quite
extraordinary reputation in myth and folklore. Everything about this bird is
odd, down to the first captive breeding which took place in someone’s living
room! From the weird to the familiar: we also feature canary expertise on
Lizards and Yorkshires, a per....